Biography | |
![]() Dr. T. Velmurugan D.G. Vaishnav College, Chennai, India |
Title: Customer Reviews based Text Data Analysis for sentiment analysis | |
Customers can learn more about a product’s quality through its reviews. Product rankings will change as a result of taking into account a variety of product review characteristics, such as product quality, content, duration of the review relative to the product’s longevity, and historically older good customer evaluations. On the other hand, a manual method on a wide scale is time-consuming, which results in an ineffective and unproductive way. Machine learning has been the most practical method for training the system in current era of artificial intelligence. Therefore, if a model were established to polarise those evaluations and learn from them, it would be lot simpler go through numerous comments. This paper presents a novel Genetic Optimized Multi-Class Hierarchy Binary-weighted Naive Bayesian(GO-MHBNB) approach to classify the customer reviews. It analyses the Amazon consumer reviews dataset for this research. To extract meaningful information like positivity or negativity from the raw data samples, stop word removal, tokenization, stemming, and lemmatization methods are used. This experiment is performed by employing the Python tool. Additionally, the proposed strategy is contrasted with current techniques in this study, including support vector machines (SVM), decision trees (DT), and random forests (RF). Findings demonstrated that the proposed approach produces effective resultsover the previous approaches with regards to accuracy, precision, recall, and f1-score for the classification of the customer reviews in positive, negative, and neutral reviews.
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Dr. T. Velmurugan is working as an Associate Professor in the PG and Research Department of Computer Science and Applications, Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College, Chennai-600106, India. Also, he is the Advisor and Head, Department of Computer Applications (BCA). He holds a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Madras. He has 28 years of teaching experience. He guided more than 300 M.Phil., Research Scholars. Also, he guided 17 Ph.D. scholars and currently guiding 6 Ph.D. scholars. He has published more than 110 articles in SCOPUS and SCI indexed journals. He elected and served as a Senate Member from Academic Council, University of Madras. He has a lot of administrative experiences. He served as advisory board member to many academic institutions in and around Tamil Nadu, India He was an invited speaker and keynote speaker for many international conferences around the world. He served as a nominated Senate Member in the Middle East University, Dubai, UAE for a period of three years. He is a member in Board of studies for many autonomous institutions and Universities. Also, he organized international Conferences and workshops. In addition, he was a resource person for various national workshops entitled "Scientific Research Article Writing and Journal Publications" and many of the recent topics in Computer Science. He is an Editorial Board Member of 6 International Journals. He also a reviewer in many peer reviewed journals like Elsevier, Springer, IEEE and IOSPress Journals etc. He is the Chair person for the Government of Tamil Nadu State for XII standard book titled as “Electronics and Hardwares”. Further, he is a visiting faculty for M.Phil. Course for various universities throughout India. His H index is 18 and i10 index is 27. His area of specialization includes Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Network Security, Big Data Analytics, Data Science and etc.